Mission und Markenwerte

Ingenieurin und Cosmetic Scientist Ying Hösl möchte mit ihrem Fachwissen und ihrer Aufklärungsarbeit alltägliche Hautpflege-Routinen verbessern und Frauen dazu befähigen, selbstbestimmte Entscheidungen für wirksame Produkte zu treffen.

Our mission:

Skinineered Cosmetics wants people to make informed and empowered decisions about their skin care. Both newbies and skintellectuals. To do this, we convey scientific topics beyond the product in an understandable manner at eye level.

We want to combine cosmetic elegance, effectiveness and suitability for everyday use. A daily booster for slowest aging should become a priority in the morning routine.

To the UVA booster
  • Klarheit in Kosmetik


    Clearly against chemophobia & misleading marketing. No competition bashing, no “free-from claims”.

  • Keine irreführenden Marketingversprechen


    For evidence based formulated & effective skin care. Modern organic UV filters.

  • Klarheit und Transparenz in Kosmetikformulierungen


    Scientifically based knowledge & education. Continuously understanding skin care together.

  • Hautpflege als tägliche Routine


    Skin care as self-love and appreciation.

  • Ohne irreführende Inhaltsstoffangaben


    Normalize UV(A) protection with pleasant textures. Form effective routines and habits...