Hautpflegeprodukte auf einem Tisch, häufig gestellte Fragen zur Skincare-Routine und deren Anwendung. Tipps und Antworten für eine effektive Hautpflege.

Skincare FAQ: Frequently asked questions & concise answers

Do I need skin care?

No. You can definitely survive without it. However, it can improve your well-being directly and indirectly. If your skin is happy with itself? Great! Sun protection is still recommended, as UV damage sometimes only becomes apparent over time!

Where do I begin?

Not every skin is the same, but most people benefit from these basics : gentle cleansing, moisturizing cream, sun protection . With these three With just a few steps you can already effectively improve the way your skin feels. Before you think about other products, you should have this foundation in place. Otherwise, even the best serum will be of little use.

Can I use the same products every day?

Yes! There is no reason why your skin needs variety. But maybe your curiosity does? No problem. But please pay attention to the shelf life of the products if you have a lot of them open at the same time. An exception are potent active ingredients with irritation potential such as retinol. In these cases it is advisable to use them 1-3 times a week.

Can I use the same products in the morning and evening?

Yes, too! As long as you need the same product categories. In the morning, you should at least use sunscreen. Cleanser and cream are optional. Try out what feels better. With or without. In the evening, a cleanser should remove dirt from your skin and a moisturizer should protect it from drying out. But you don't need sunscreen in the evening.

In what order do I use products?

There are basically two rules for skin care products: from liquid to viscous and from watery to oily . However, whatever you like is good. Exceptions: potent active ingredients are better on dry skin to prevent irritation. Sun protection is always the last step before makeup .

What are toner, essence, fluid etc.?

In contrast to ointment or lotion, for example, the terms are not clearly defined. They describe the consistency of the product as a distinction from the classic cream. A serum is often more liquid and transparent. It can, but does not have to, be enriched with active ingredients. Find a texture that you enjoy .


Do I need to wear moisturizer under sunscreen?

No! A sunscreen is already a cream and for many it is rich enough . Many people with not very dry skin like to wear just a serum or nothing at all underneath. Some want a little more care or have a very light sunscreen, then you can do that.

Do I need to wear sunscreen in winter and indoors?

You don't have to anyway. If you wear sun protection outdoors with a UV index of 3 or higher, you already reduce your risk of skin cancer enormously. If you are otherwise exposed to a lot of light (e.g. a desk directly in front of a window), you can benefit from theUVA protection in sun creams for slow aging , e.g. with the UVA booster .

UVA rays

Are fragrances bad?

No. But they are among the most common allergens . They have no benefits for the skin. But maybe they will soothe your soul? If you have skin problems, it is worth starting by avoiding them, as the likelihood of seeing improvement when you stop using them is relatively high. If you can tolerate them, you can continue to use them.

Is natural cosmetics better?

Natural cosmetics is not a blanket quality feature. It is a catalogue of criteria that a product must meet. Whether this matches your needs is questionable. It is better to look specifically for your own values ​​and preferences.

Do I need to know my skin type?

It is often helpful to know how dry or oily your skin is in order to estimate how much care it needs. However, you cannot always rely on manufacturer recommendations and you do not even have to stick to them. Richness is often perceived very differently.

I haven't seen this product on any skinfluencer yet. Is it good?

There are simply too many brands and products. Many are mentioned by someone else and you don't even notice. But that doesn't mean anything. Of course it can help to read reviews or rely on experts with a similar skin type. But there is never a guarantee that it will work for everyone . Please don't lose your courage and curiosity and just try out products that appeal to you!


Is my skin dry or dehydrated?

Dry skin is usually genetically determined and produces little oily sebum . Dehydrated skin is a skin condition that lacks moisture (water). The latter can often be alleviated with the right care. Dry skin benefits primarily from emollients. Dehydrated skin from humectants .

What comes after the basics?

Have you found the 3 basics that work for you and want to go a step further? Then become aware of your skin's needs. Skin types and skin needs are two different dimensions and can occur in different combinations . While your skin type is difficult to change, can you possibly satisfy needs? What is your goal? Here, additional active ingredients can be integrated in a targeted manner .

Which active ingredients for impure skin?

There are a few possibilities: salicylic acid, retinoids, azelaic acid, niacinamide, zinc, BPO, etc. But please don't use all of them at once, try one after the other at intervals of several weeks (or stick with one). Not all active ingredients work equally well for everyone.

Which ingredients should I avoid?

Inappropriate ones. These are not necessarily the apps that are marked red. You often have to find that out for yourself.

Miracle weapon against all skin problems?

There isn't one! Except maybe patience ...

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